


Lupe Fiasco’s latest album is now available



new york, NY Oct. 3 Tickets

Hartford, C. Oct. 4 Tickets
Phili, PA oct. 5. Tickets

Boston, MA. oct. 6. Tickets

Columbus, OH Oct. 10 Tickets

Cleveland, OH oct 11. Tickets

Ft. Collins, CO oct 18. tickets

Denver, CO oct 19 Tickets

Solana Bch, CA oct 24 tickets

Ventura, CA. Oct 25 tickets

Pomona, CA. OCt 26 Tickets

St. Louis, MO Nov 9 tickets

Chicago, IL. nov 10 tickets

Atlanta, GA. Nov 14 Tickets

Norfolk, VA Nov 15 Tickets

Washington, DC. nov 16 Tickets

San Fran., CA nov 21 Tickets

Santa Cruz, CA. Nov 22 Tickets

Los Angeles, CA. Nov 24 Tickets



Wasalu Jaco, professionally known as Lupe Fiasco, is a Chicago-born, Grammy award-winning American rapper, record producer, entrepreneur, and community advocate. Rising to fame in 2006, following the success of his debut album, Food & Liquor, Lupe has released eight acclaimed studio albums; his latest being Drill Music In Zion released in June 2022. His efforts to propagate conscious material garnered recognition as a Henry Crown Fellow and he is a recipient of the MLK Visiting Professorship Program at MIT for the 2022/2023 academic year.